Effective creative requires a ride on the Limbic Express Producing effective creative (or what I call 'commercial creative') is much like being a travel journalist. You see, you can’t sell a destination without going there. You have to see ...
You don't just need any ol' creative, you need 'commercial creative'. "Where do good ideas come from?". I've produced a lot of award-winning marketing and advertising. More importantly, I've produced a lot of commercially successful marketing and advertising. And of ...
Fear not, this isn’t another article selling the virtues of video marketing. We all know that’s a given. But what we should focus on is the approach and type of video which provides the best long term value. After all, ...
Despite “don’t judge a book by its cover” we do. We don’t have time to challenge our gut instinct. That’s what it’s there for, right? Filtering. You’ve ignored YouTube pre-roll. Scrolled past vanilla, off-the-shelf Facebook and LinkedIn ads. You’ve watched ...
I recently met with a marcomms Director who admitted their marketing content wasn’t as good as it could be. Internal politics and legacy staff meant their content was, as the ‘youth of today’ call it, “meh”. “Meh” to those who ...
I wasn’t surprised when a new client recently admitted “we lack creative direction”. Considering they aren’t short of in-house creative resources, this revelation did come as a bit of surprise to them. Brands lacking creative direction is a problem I’m ...