Despite them barely knowing me, never have I received so many emails from brands telling me “we are here for you in these unprecedented times”. Some may call it solidarity or empathy but I think we all recognise these countless ...
I’ll admit, this is a rather impromptu blog. I usually painfully procrastinate and overwrite them (not that you’d notice I’m sure), but this one comes as a reaction to an apple-to-the-head revelation to an ageing problem I’ve never been able ...
To protect the innocent, certain names and organisations have been withdrawn or changed, but rest assured, what you are about to read... is 100% true. While this article’s image somewhat gives away the punchline, do bear with, as I think ...
Despite “don’t judge a book by its cover” we do. We don’t have time to challenge our gut instinct. That’s what it’s there for, right? Filtering. You’ve ignored YouTube pre-roll. Scrolled past vanilla, off-the-shelf Facebook and LinkedIn ads. You’ve watched ...